✪BIN - Bank Identification Number

What Is a Bank Identification Number (BIN)?
BIN-A Bank Identification Number refers to the initial sequence of 4 to 6 numbers on a credit card and used to identify the card’s issuing bank or other financial institution. The BIN is the lynchpin that ties an issuer to its cards and transactions.
An example of a bin is given below
E.g 540728

How to use bins?

• First of all you need to have a 6 digit number (BIN) which you can get from them here - https://www.bincodes.com/bin-search/
• Search the bin according to the country and bank.
• Now you need to generate live Credit Cards. You can generate cards from this site.- https://namso-gen.com/
• Paste the bin in that site and generate the credit card (CC)
• Connect to VPN and select the country according to the country of the bin. The location of the bin and VPN should be the same.
• Now use the generated card details for making an account.

Example of the process for using bins.

1. Connect your VPN location related to BIN
2. Open browser (Mozilla firefox recommended)
3. Go to the site to generate CC from here https://www.namso-gen.com/
4. Paste the bin and generate CC
5. Go to the website of Scribd from here https://www.scribd.com/
6. Click try 30 days free.
7. Signup with email
8. paste the card details
9. Click the pay
10. congratulation now you get a Scribd premium account.

How to Make Working BIN for Premium Accounts?👍

Step 1: Goto Country/BANK to BIN website like
Ex: https://www.bincodes.com/bin-search
Step 2: Choose Any Country you want (Mainly Low secured countries like OMAN, UAE and etc)
Step 3: Choose Small Banks (They are less secured) 
Step 4: Choose one BIN of Debit card (not credit)
Step 5: Generate CC with it
Step 6: Check with it
Step 7: Get lives one
Step 8: Test it
Step 9: Start from Step 2 again till you get working one
Don’t forget to change your IP to the CC Countries IP

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